Services & Facilities

Daylesford Visitors Information

Services, Facilities, Recreation and Maps

Daylesford and Hepburn Springs have many services and facilities that locals and visitors can use and appreciate.

You will find our Daylesford Visitors Information page very useful, whether you are visiting for a weekend or a longer stay.

If you are staying longer then you will want to explore further.

You may like to have a hit of tennis or a round of golf, have a picnic at one of the lakes, find a playground (if visiting with children) or buy groceries, fuel and newspapers. Our lists make locating all of these things much simpler.

lake daylesford picnic area

When you visit or move to the area it will help you to know what Daylesford and Hepburn information services and facilities are available. Address and contact details are included in the lists for your convenience.

Essential Services

Daylesford has all the necessary services, a hospital and medical centres, ambulance, Fire Station, supermarkets, service stations, chemist, newsagent, several schools for all ages and a child care centre, a shire office, a taxi service, three banks in the main street, post office, a transfer station and internet access.

Hepburn Springs has a post office, a general store, a primary school and a pre school.

Here is a full list and map of the Daylesford and Hepburn Services

Daylesford Regional Visitors Information Centre in Vincent Street

Daylesford Regional Visitors Information Centre in Vincent Street

Visitors Information Centres

Another great place for information is the Daylesford Tourist Visitors Centre.

The Daylesford Visitors Information Centre is a great help for finding things to do and see.

Most towns have an Information Centre to assist visitors to find things to do and how to locate the ‘must see’ attractions. The Daylesford Visitors Information Centre is in Vincent Street as shown in the image above. Many of the surrounding towns and regional cities such as Castlemaine and Creswick have an Information Centre also.

Here is a list of the Visitors Information Centres
with the contact details included.

Facilities for Everyone

There are many excellent facilities available throughout the area that visitors and locals can utilise for fun or necessity.

You may enjoy a wander through the museum, a great place to take a look back in time at Daylesford’s rich history.

There is also a library, a Senior Citizens and Neighbourhood Centre, an RSL club, several churches, a variety of sporting facilities including an excellent golf course (complete with kangaroos), tennis courts, football and soccer ovals, a skate park, an indoor sports centre and more.

The main picnic areas are very picturesque. Most have nearby mineral springs, walking trails, playgrounds and Barbecue facilities.

Here is a list and map of the Daylesford and Hepburn Community and Sport Facilities

Locations of Public Toilets

Knowing where the Public Toilets are can be very helpful when you are travelling and visiting different towns. Here is a detailed list of the Public Toilets in the Daylesford area which also includes a description of the nearby attractions.

Local Towns and Region Maps

When you visit the Goldfields region using a map is the easiest way to find your way around the towns and to get to and from destinations.

Using Maps of Daylesford and Hepburn Springs and beyond will help you discover how stunning and interesting the area is and why thousands of visitors arrive every week and keep coming back.

Use these Maps of Daylesford and the surrounding area and start exploring. There is a new view around every corner waiting for you. Remember your camera you will need it!

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Daylesford Visitors Information